As the Innerchild, we extend a helping hand to our brothers in need, with your support.
Water Well
kışlık kıyafet
"Çocuklar Üşümesin Diye" kışlık kıyafet etkinliği düzenliyoruz.
Turkey- School Package
Turkey- School Package
Turkey - Village Schools Aid
Turkey Village Schools Aid
The biggest problem of Africa is the lack of water…
Clothing Help
Let's not forget that; children are our today, our tomorrow and our future.
Emergency Aid
With your support, we lend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters in need.
Turkey Zakat
Turkey Zakat
Africa Zakat
Zakat Africa
Turkey Sadaqa
Turkey Sadaqa
Arican Sadaqa
Africa Sadaqa
Turkey Food Aid
Turkey Food Aid
Africa Food Aid
Africa Food Aid
General Donation
To be the hope of needy families and the smile of children support us now