The biggest problem of Africa is the lack of water…


The biggest problem of Africa is the lack of water…


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We carry out aid activities in many different areas. You can donate by reviewing.

Unfortunately vulnerable children are the ones most affected by lack of clean water. Each year, 361.000 children under the age of 5 die from diarrhea due to a lack of clean water. We do not want children's lives to hang by a thread due to this issue so we want to provide them with the opportunity to have acces to clean water.

In Africa clean water is the most important step to have a healthy life. As a Charity organisation, we drilled a water well next to our school in Africa in order to meet this need. The wells was drilled so that children can reach clean water and not get sick. We saw that it changed not only the lives of children, but also the lives of many people in the immediate environment. But when our children returned home in the evening, they had no choice but to continue drinking the dirty water. For this reason, we have observed that diseases could not be completely prevented. We believe that we can prevent many problems by producing effective solutions to each identified problem. We are aware of our responsibilities since the day we were founded, and we are expanding our activities with this understanding for the future generations to come. We look at the problems that everyone is trying to solve from a different perspective, and we bring our difference by producing simple and effective solutions to these problems.

We started a thermos campaign so that our children remain to be healthy and happy and not be forced to drink dirty water. By donating 1 thermos (5 EUR) you can help our children with their health.